Despatch LAD Series WITH PROTOCOL PLUS User Manual
Page 34

Profile #
There are eight profiles available.
Recipe segments 1 through 8 may be programmed, each with its own
set of events, ramp and soak times, and soak temperature.
Ramp Time
The time required to ramp from one setpoint up to another setpoint.
Values between 0 and 99:59 are allowable. In the Protocol Plus
controller, the profile ramp and soak times are stored without units.
Units are set as either hours and minutes (HH:MM) or minutes and
seconds (MM:SS). The setpoint will automatically increment from the
actual temperature to the soak temperature.
EV1 through 4
From 1 to 4 events may be programmed into the ramp time portion of
each segment here. These typically involve actuating/disabling relays
to close/open valves or perform other relay-controlled functions.
NOTE: These will only actuate when the controller has the relay cards
installed and programmed for an event.
Soak Temp.
The temperature setpoint of a particular segment is entered here; it
can range from -18 to 540 degrees C (0 to 1000 degrees F).
Soak Time
The duration of soak is entered here; the value can range from 0 to
EV1 through 4
From 1 to 4 events may be programmed into the soak portion of each
segment here. These typically involve actuating/disabling relays to
close/open valves or perform other relay-controlled functions. NOTE:
These will only actuate when the controller has the relay cards
installed and programmed for an event.
Hi Limit SP
The high limit setpoint may be entered here; if the temperature
exceeds this value, the hi-limit will alarm and shut off the heater.
Loop From
Values are No, Seg-1 to Seg-8.
Loop To
Values are No, Seg-1 to Seg-8.
Loop Number
Values are 0 - 99.
These values enable the operator to jump from a certain step to
another step of the recipe a preset number of times.
Profile Link
Values are STANDBY/STOP/HOLD/1 - 8. When the profile ends, the
profile can hold the temperature setpoint while keeping the events
active, turn the heater off, hold the temperature setpoint at the end of
the profile, or jump to another specified profile.
Soak Band
If the process temperature deviates from the setpoint by more than
this value, the soak timer is placed in a hold condition. The timer
continues when the process temperature falls within range.