Step 5: adopt ap7131 in the rfs7000 – Brocade Communications Systems Brocade FastIron CX Series FCX624S-HPOE User Manual

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Deploying Brocade Mobility Products with the Brocade FastIron CX Series

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2. Click Adaptive AP Setup:

a. Using DNS, enter the FQDN of the controller.
b. Enter the controller IP addresses.
c. Click the Auto Discovery Enable checkbox.

When the Auto Discovery Enable checkbox is selected, the access point begins the controller

discovery (adoption) process using DHCP first, then a user-provided domain name, and finally using a

static IP addresses. This setting is disabled by default. When disabled, the AP functions as a

standalone access point without trying to discover (adopt) a controller. Consequently, the access point

will not be able to obtain an AAP configuration.

d. Enter the PSK for the controller.

Step 5: Adopt AP7131 in the RFS7000

1. Go to Network > Access Point and click the Unadopted AP tab.
2. Referencing the correct MAC address, select the correct AP to adopt and click Adopt. Once the AP has been

adopted, it can be found in the Adopted tab.

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