Comelit MT VIP SYSTEM User Manual

Page 28

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Key to connected devices

Each device connected to the system is preceded by a coloured icon indicating its status.


ViP code programmed.


ViP code not programmed.


Two or more master devices programmed with the same ViP code.


Device in booting phase.

Programming the ViP code for external unit art. 4662C

The following example illustrates how to program the ViP code for a Powercom external unit art. 4662C which has not yet been programmed (yellow icon). However,
the procedure also applies to devices which have already been programmed (green icon) or have conflicting addresses (red icon).

1. Connect your PC to a ViP system extension port using the network cable supplied with software art. 1449.
2. Start ViP Manager software art. 1449.
3. Click on the button


4. Wait for the software to complete the system scan.
5. All devices connected to the system will appear in the left-hand column.
6. Press the button

Filter window to enable it.