Fault analysis, Circuit diagram – Carbolite TZF Series User Manual
Page 13

1700-1800° Tube
MF32 - 3.25
6.0 F
A. Furnace Does Not Heat Up
The HEAT light
is ON
An ohm meter applied to
the element circuit shows
an open circuit
A heating element has failed
The HEAT light
is OFF
The controller shows a
very high temperature
or a code such as S.br
The thermocouple has broken
or has a wiring fault
The controller shows a
low temperature
The door switch may be faulty
or need adjustment
The thyristor fuse may have
The power thyristor could be
failing to switch on due to
internal failure, faulty wiring
from the controller, or faulty
There are no lights
glowing on the controller
Check the supply fuses and any
fuses in the furnace control
The controller may be faulty or
not receiving a supply due to a
faulty switch or a wiring fault
B. Furnace Overheats
The HEAT light
goes OFF with the
instrument switch
The controller shows a
very high temperature
The controller is faulty
The controller shows a
low temperature
The thermocouple may have
been shorted out or may have
been moved out of the furnace
The thermocouple may be
mounted the wrong way round
The controller may be faulty
The HEAT light
does not go off with
the instrument
switch and the fault
persists when a 2A
control fuse is
removed from its
The power thyristor has
failed “ON”
Check for an accidental wiring
fault which could have
overloaded the thyristor.
Isolate the furnace if this fault