Controller update, Attention – CalDigit RAIDShield User Manual
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Controller Update
User can update the System Code / Boot Code / BIOS / EFI through RAIDShield.
To perform the updates for the product, please select the product from the list. Click on the Controller > Update,
and then choose the firmware that you wish to update.
Locate the update file through the browser, and perform the update. Please make sure to select the correct
**For BIOS/EFI: If you are booting up the operation system from the CalDigit products (such as: CalDigit RAID
Card), you will need to update the BIOS for PC, or the EFI for MAC. By updating one of them, the other one will
be erased.
Always perform the update in the order of System Code > Boot Code > BIOS/EFI, failure to update in such order
may result problematic on the connection between the computer and the CalDigit product.
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