C.B.S. Scientific DTSK-2401-220 User Manual
Page 57

Cipher Genetic Analysis System
DTSK Instruction Manual, version 8/30/2011
SECTION 6 HEATER/STIRRER – Troubleshooting - continued
6.7 External Probe Failure
• External Probe Open or External Probe Short fault message appears on the display, indicating that the
external probe has failed or there is a problem with the circuitry reading the probe signal. Replace the
external probe; if the problem persists, an internal PCB needs replacement.
6.8 Recalling the Power-Up Language Selection Menu
The first time the Controller is powered up, a language selection menu is displayed which allows the user
to select the language used for operational displays and programming. This is a one-time display; the
next time the Controller is powered up, either Standby or the main operational display will appear once
the initial self-test procedure has been completed.
You may change the language used for operational and programming displays in either of two ways. One
is to change the language using the Preferences sub-menu. The other is to recall the initial power-up
language selection display. This is performed as follows.
1. Press the Power Button to turn Controller power off (Standby displayed).
2. Place the circuit breaker/power switch on the rear panel in the Off position (display blank).
3. Press and hold ESC Button.
4. Place the circuit breaker/power switch in the On position; continue holding ESC Button.
5. Release the ESC Button when the language selection menu is displayed.
6. Rotate the Select/Set Knob until the desired language is highlighted.
7. Press the Select/Set Knob.
The Controller will complete the start-up sequence and display “Standby” on the LCD. All operating and
programming screens will now be displayed in the selected language.
DO NOT USE the following fluids:
1. Automotive antifreeze with additives**
2. Hard tap water**
3. Deionized water with a specific resistance > 1 meg ohm
4. Any flammable fluids
5. Concentrations of acids or bases
6. Solutions with halides: chlorides, fluorides, bromides, iodides or sulfur
7. Bleach (Sodium Hypochlorite)
8. Solutions with chromates or chromium salts
** At temperatures above 40°C, additives or mineral deposits can adhere to the heater. If deposits are
allowed to build up, the heater may overheat and fail. Higher temperatures and higher concentrations of
additives will hasten deposit build up.
Warning: Do not use a flammable liquid as a bath medium as a fire hazard may result. Be aware of the
flash point temperatures for the fluids used.