C.B.S. Scientific DTSK-2401-220 User Manual
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Cipher Genetic Analysis System
DTSK Instruction Manual, version 8/30/2011
The pump will begin operating; the display will show the current bath temperature and the set point temperature
(Setpoint). If an external probe (Programmable Controllers only) is connected, both the internal and external bath
temperatures will be displayed. The temperature probe selected to control bath temperature (internal or external) will
be displayed in larger numerals.
NOTE: If the external temperature probe is selected to control bath temperature, but the temperature difference
between the set point temperature and the internal bath temperature exceeds the Maximum Setpoint Differential
setting, the heating rate will be controlled using the internal bath temperature until the set point/internal bath
temperature difference is within the Maximum Setpoint Differential value. The word Internal will be highlighted on the
display to indicate that the internal sensor is controlling bath temperature.
3.2k Local Lockout
This enables the user to lock all controls on the controller. While the feature is activated, the unit will remain running
at the current settings.
To activate the local lockout feature, press and hold the Select/Set Knob for 10 seconds. Once locked, “LocalLock”
will appear in the upper left corner of the display. The controller menus may still be viewed when Local Lockout is
active, but no changes may be made.
Press and hold the Select/Set Knob again for 10 seconds to unlock the controls. Once unlocked, “LocalLock” will
disappear and the menu settings can once again be modified.
3.2l Setting the Bath Temperature Set Point
Press and release the Select/Set Knob. The “whole” numbers in the set point temperature will be
highlighted. Rotate the Select/Set Knob clockwise to increase the displayed value; rotate the knob
counter-clockwise to decrease the displayed value.
Press the Select/Set Knob to accept the new value. The decimal value in the set point temperature digits
will be highlighted. Rotate the Select/Set Knob clockwise to increase the displayed value; rotate the knob
counter-clockwise to decrease the displayed value. Press the Select /Set Knob to accept the new value.
NOTE: Increasing/decreasing the decimal value past “0” will cause a corresponding change in the “whole”
number value. For example, if the current set point value is 24.8 and the desired value is 25.2, it is not
necessary to change the 24 to a 25; increasing the decimal value from .8 to .2 will automatically increase
the 24 to 25.
The Controller will not allow you to enter a set point value above the Limit High setting or below the Limit
Low setting. Should you attempt to do so, the set point value will stop increasing/decreasing when the
Limit value is reached and a Warning message will appear on the display. You must either change the set
point or change the Limit value. Reference the Heater/Stirrer instruction manual for detailed information.
3.2 Heater/Stirrer Set-Up and Programming – continued