Adjusting draw length, Supercam – Bear Archery Compound Bow 2004 User Manual

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SuperCams are equipped with

modular draw length adjustment. Draw

length changes are made by simply

changing modules; a bow press is not

needed. Accessory modules are avail-

able from your dealers in one-inch

draw length increments. Each module

is numbered, with #1 being the longest

draw length module and #7 being the

shortest. To change modules remove

the socket head screw from the pres-

ent module, remove that module and

replace with a new module. Such

module draw length adjustment will not

affect draw weight.

Additional, fine draw Length (and

string stretch) adjustments of up to 1/2

inch can be made by repositioning the

adjustable bowstring mounting post

near the center of the cam. To make

such adjustments, it is first necessary to

remove tension from the harness sys-

tem of the bow by relaxing the bow in

a bow press.

A fixed or portable bow

press must be used. Under no cir-

cumstances can this relaxing of the

harness system be accomplished by

simply backing out limb bolts.

Such mounting post draw length

adjustments will slightly affect draw

weight. Pulling more bowstring up into

the cam will lessen draw weight; letting

it out will increase weight.

Most discrepancies in buss cable

length can be adjusted for either by

adding or removing twists from the buss

cable or if larger changes are required

then the buss cable attachment spool

can be repositioned in the cam to one

of its other locations.