APG PG5 user manual User Manual

Page 24

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Rev. A1, 3/10


Automation Products Group, Inc.

APG...Providing tailored solutions for measurement applications

Tel: 1/888/525-7300 • Fax: 1/435/753-7490 • • [email protected]

Firmware Release Notes

PG5v100.hex Created 1/20/2009

First Release of Software

PG5V101.hex Created 2/13/2009

-> Updated Zero function to read NOZERO when more than 5% of Full Scale

-> Updated Tare function to read NOTARE when more than full scale and if gauge is in TARE T5 segment instead of T1

and shuts off when greater than full scale

-> Fixed On/Off button on Power Up to wait to be released before going into the Menu

PG5v102.hex Created 3/16/2009

-> Added different sampling rates selectable from the Menu slow,medium,fast

-> Disabled the lo res option for units with no decimal place in reading

-> Fixed Peak Hold to Reset by pushing Select Button to reset the max value to the current reading

-> Fixed the Leading Zeros when Peak Hold enabled and when using the Custom Multiplier in the Menu

-> Locked Menu has peak hold enable/disable with Select button not in Menu, Menu has Units -> lbs,kg, Newton -> Can

Zero Reading Z button

-> Fixed External Power Auto_Off Option and Sampling Rate

-> Fixed ON/OFF Button when Auto_Off enabled it went into the MENU reset the Flag when Auto Off shutdown

-> Reset Auto Off timer every time the Zero or Select Button are pushed.

PG5v103.hex 4/7/2009

-> Added 4 options to setup the analog output from the menu and appear only with ouputs enabled

-> Added fsw to units and changed to lockout all other units when calibration to other unit besides psi

-> Added Bar Graph Zero and Full Scale adjustment to the Menu

-> Added Range adjustment in the Menu

-> Added Modes to Lockout the Menu and give limited access

PG5v104.hex created 4/27/2009

-> Changed how Units are displayed when other than psi only that unit is displayed

PG5v105.hex created 5/27/2009

-> Fixed conversion problems with units ftH20, cmHg

-> Fixed Bar Graph zero and Full Scale to scale to the right pressure

-> Fixed High and Lo Res for the different units and to have a dummy zero for correct units