3 assembly of cable bracing – Anchor VENUE SERIES - PROFILE SIZE: 160MM X 100MM User Manual
Page 13

2.3 Assembly of Cable Bracing:
Install the cables so that the turn-buckles at the uprights are closest to the
ground and at the roof cables are closest to the eave.
See Figure 2.3. The cables have color coded labels; green
labels indicate upright cables and blue labels indicate roof cables.
IMPORTANT: Upright and Roof Cable Bracing is
required in the first and last bays of the structure and additionally at not more than FOUR open bays between braced bays.
2.3.1 At the Upright Assembly on both sides of the first and second arches, remove the top Lock Nut on the Upright and
replace with an Eye-Nut. The Eye-Nut is part of the Upright Cable Assembly and must be unhooked from the
shackle. When fully tightened, the Eye-Nut loop must be parallel to the Upright.
See Figure 2.3a. At the End
Arch (first arch) the Eye-Nut must face toward the ground (toward the second arch when raised) and on the sec-
ond arch the Eye-Nut must face upward, away from the ground (toward the first arch when raised). At all uprights
connect the Upright Cable Assembly (end opposite turn-buckle) to each Eye-Nut using the shackle provided; typi-
cal of four locations. The turn-buckle end must remain free until the arches are raised.
2.3.2 At Upright Assembly on both sides of the first and second arches, remove the outer most Lock Nut that connects
the gusset plate to the Rafter and replace with an Eye-Nut. The Eye-Nut is part of the Roof Cable Assembly.
When fully tightened, the Eye-Nut loop must be parallel to the Rafter.
See Figure 2.3a. At the End Arch (first
arch) the Eye-Nut must face toward the ground (toward the second arch when raised) and on the second arch the
Eye-Nut must face upward, away from the ground (toward the first arch when raised).
2.3.3 At the Ridge Weldment on both the first and second arches, remove the Swivel-Lock Pins from the outer most
holes and replace each with a ¾” Bolt & Eye-Nut. The Eye-Nut is part of the Roof Cable Assembly and must be
unhooked from the shackle. When fully tightened, the Eye-Nut loop must be parallel to the Rafter.
See Figure
2.3b. At the End Arch (first arch) the Eye-Nut must face toward the ground (toward the second arch when raised)
and on the second arch the Eye-Nut must face upward, away from the ground (toward the first arch when raised.
Connect the Roof Cable Assembly (end opposite turn-buckle) to each Eye-Nut using the shackle provided; typical
of four locations. The turn-buckle end must remain free until the arches are raised.
2.3.4 For all cable braced bays the installation sequence will be similar to steps 2.3.1 thru 2.3.3.