AirLive WN-151ARM User Manual
Page 40

AirLive WN-151ARM User’s Manual
Add a Trusted wireless client station to the list (move from the "Other
Stations" list).
• Select an entry (or entries) in the "Other Stations" list, and click the " <<
" button.
• Enter the Address (MAC or physical address) of the wireless station,
and click the "Add" button.
Delete a Trusted wireless client station from the list (move to the "Other
Stations" list).
• Select an entry (or entries) in the "Trusted Stations" list.
• Click the " >> " button.
Use this to change an existing entry in the "Trusted Stations" list:
1. Select the Station in the Trusted Station list.
2. Click
Edit button. The address will be copied to the "Address" field,
and the Add button will change to Update.
3. Edit the address (MAC or physical address) as required.
4. Click
Update to save your changes.
Add (Update)
To add a Trusted Station which is not in the "Other Wireless Stations" list,
enter the required data and click this button.
When editing an existing Wireless Station, this button will change from Add
to Update.
Clear the Name and Address fields.