Google Apps Security and Compliance Services Web Services Application Programming Interface Guide, Early Access Version 1.5 User Manual

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Message Security and Compliance Application Programming Interface Guide RELEASE EA version 1.5

AddApprovedSenderAddressStatus -- An unlimited list of structures to
represent the status for requests to modify approve sender addresses.

Type: UserModifyStatusAddApprovedSenderAddressStatus.
UserModifyStatusAddApprovedSenderAddressStatus has a struct element
named ‘item’. An ‘item’ is of type

In the response, each approved sender address has status information in
the ‘item’ sub-element:

Address -- Sender address to be approved. This is required.

Type: string

Status -- Value representing the status (success or failure) of the
approved sender address addition. This is required.

Type: AddStatus. For more information about the AddStatus
enumerated types, see “Enumerated Types for AddStatus,
ModifyStatus, and DeleteStatus” on page 45

Message -- The User Sync API may return human readable messages
to help when debugging your application. These messages do not
happen in every case and, since they are subject to change, your
application should not be dependent upon or use these strings.

DeleteApprovedSenderAddressStatus -- An unlimited list of structures to
hold the status for requests to delete addresses in this user’s approved
senders list.

Type: UserModifyStatusDeleteApprovedSenderAddressStatus.
UserModifyStatusDeleteApprovedSenderAddressStatus has a struct
element named ‘item’. An ‘item’ is of type

In the response, each approved sender address has status information in
the’ item’ sub-element:

Address -- Approved address to be deleted. This is required.

Type: string

Status -- Value representing the status (success or failure) of the
approved sender address deletion. This is required.

Type: DeleteStatus. For more information about the DeleteStatus
enumerated status, see “Enumerated Types for AddStatus,
ModifyStatus, and DeleteStatus” on page 45

Message -- The User Sync API may return human readable messages
to help when debugging your application. These messages do not
happen in every case and, since they are subject to change, your
application should not be dependent upon or use these strings.