Designing a feed client, Using a web form feed client – Google Search Appliance Feeds Protocol Developers Guide User Manual

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Google Search Appliance: Feeds Protocol Developer’s Guide


Designing a Feed Client

You upload an XML feed using an HTTP POST to the feedergate server located on port 19900 of your
search appliance. The search appliance also supports HTTPS access to the feedergate server through
port 19902, enabling you to upload an XML feed file by using a secure connection. An XML feed must be
less than 1 GB in size. If your feed is larger than 1 GB, consider breaking the feed into smaller feeds that
can be pushed more efficiently.

The feedergate server requires three input parameters from the POST operation:

datasource specifies the name of the data source. Your choice of data source name also implies
the type of feed: for a web feed, the datasource name must be "web".

feedtype specifies how the system pushes the feed. The feedtype value must be "full",
"incremental", or "metadata-and-url".

data specifies the XML feed to push with this data source and feed type. Note that although the
data parameter may contain a data source and a feed type definition as part of the XML, these will
be ignored by the search appliance. Only the data source and feed type provided as POST input
parameters are used.

The URL that you should use is:


You should post the feed using enctype="multipart/form-data". Although the search appliance
supports uploads using enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded", this encoding type is not
recommended for large amounts of data.

The feed client should URL encode the XML data submitted to the search appliance.

Using a Web Form Feed Client

Here is an example of a simple HTML form for pushing a feed to the search appliance. Because the web
form requires user input, this method cannot be automated.