Tools with doubleclick rich media – Google DoubleClick Rich Media Guide to Rich Media Innovation User Manual
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About DoubleClick
Google’s DoubleClick™ products provide ad management and ad serving solutions to companies that buy, create or sell
online advertising. The world’s top marketers, publishers, ad networks and agencies use DoubleClick products as the
foundation for their online advertising businesses. With deep expertise in ad serving, media planning, search management,
rich media, video and mobile, our DoubleClick products help customers execute their digital media strategy more effectively.
© 2011 Google Inc. All rights reserved. Google and the Google and DoubleClick logos are trademarks of Google Inc.
All other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.
Contact DoubleClick Rich Media
Connect with the DoubleClick Rich Media creative accounts team to explore how to make your rich media ideas a reality.
Our job is to help creative agencies succeed with rich media. We’d love to hear from you!
East Coast: Mark Wilson, 212-381-5898, [email protected] or Katie Erbs, 212-381-5597, [email protected]
West Coast: Michael McNeil, 310-309-6872, [email protected]
Central: Sunny Byers, 312-348-4629, [email protected]
Tools with DoubleClick Rich Media
DoubleClick Studio
Creative agencies produce and manage DoubleClick Rich Media ads with DoubleClick Studio. As a production and workflow
tool, DoubleClick Studio helps creative agencies streamline their rich media processes, take control of their turnaround times,
and pass creatives seamlessly to media agencies via a direct connection with DoubleClick for Advertisers. DoubleClick
Studio offers efficiency, control and innovation through Adobe Flash components, templates and APIs for developing
DoubleClick Rich Media creatives. Plus, its web-based interface helps creative agencies manage the entire rich media
workflow and keep tabs on progress.
Get help using DoubleClick Studio a
DoubleClick Studio Components
Common rich media behaviors and controls are easy to program with DoubleClick Studio components. They are simple,
drag-and-drop pre-made components within Adobe Flash. They’re designed to be small and versatile in order to minimize
the file size of ads. All visible components, such as close buttons and video controls, can be skinned to take on any look
and feel desired, offering complete control over design consistency. Using components in a new ad is easy. Simply drag
the Enabler components onto the stage, then drag and drop the others needed in the ad to the stage. Component values
can easily be edited with a Component Inspector.
Get started with the latest version of DoubleClick Studio components at
DoubleClick Studio API
For advanced Flash developers and ad builders, DoubleClick Studio provides powerful AS2, AS3 and HTML5 APIs
that make it possible to code cutting edge ads. With just an enabler and the API, anything in the ad can be coded.
Find API code guides a
DoubleClick Studio Templates
As the industry looks for innovative and scalable approaches to rich media, a variety of creative templates will garner
broad appeal. To help with scale, DoubleClick Rich Media provides starter templates to creative agencies, which provides
a head start on building templated ads to spec. Some templates supported today include four for the Interactive
Advertising Bureau’s Rising Stars display ad units including the Billboard, Portrait, Pushdown and Sidekick.
Access Rising Stars templates a