JLG X14JH Operator Manual User Manual

Page 76

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B) Wear and tear of metallic cores

As in the case of the a.m. breakage of steel ropes, an excessive stress might cause the bending
or the breaking of the metallic cores, which can also be caused by the following:

Improper contact between sprocket and track;

Rotation of the inner rollers;

Working in sandy soil.

C) Parting of the metallic cores
The metallic core acts as rubber adhesive between itself and the steel ropes.

Parting can be caused by excessive stress like the
breakage of the ropes, as a result of the following:
‑ The metallic cores have been wound up by the worn
sprocket as shown in the figure.
If the sprocket shows this wear and abrasion, replace it
as soon as possible.

In case of breakage as per paragraphs A‑B‑C‑, it is

necessary to replace the track as this could cause a

complete lost of functionality.

D) Abrasion and fatigue cracks

1. The cracks at the base of the thread are the result of rubber fatigue bending caused by the

sprocket and the track tensioner.

2. The cracks and the curves on the rubber edge are due to

manoeuvring the track where there are concrete kerbs and sharp

3. The cracks and abrasions on the rubber of the roller guide slides are caused by fatigue due

to the compression of the rubber under the wheel weight combined to working in sandy
soil, or repeated sharp changes of direction.

4. The abrasion of the engraved thread can originate especially in case of rotations on con‑

crete surfaces, gravel or hard surfaces.

The conditions for damage indicated in paragraph D point 1, 2, 3 are not to be considered
deadly for the track and even if there is a gradual or progressive damage, the track will con‑
tinue to work.
If the damage indicated at point 3 worsens, this will expose the metallic cores. If this exposi‑
tion is more than half the track circumference, it is time to replace it. However you can still
use it.


