Snorkel XT24SD-sn000001+ User Manual

Page 43

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A leaser is a person(s) or entity, who leases, rents, loans, or otherwise provides an aerial platform
to another party for the beneficial use of that party (the user). A leaser may also be a dealer,
owner, lessee, user, or operator.

When a leaser uses the aerial platform as a dealer, the leaser shall have the responsibilities of
dealers as specified.

When a leaser uses the aerial platform as an owner, the leaser shall have the responsibilities of
owners as specified.

When a leaser uses the aerial platform as a use, the leaser shall have the responsibilities of users
as specified.

When a leaser uses the aerial platform as an operator, the leaser shall have the responsibilities of
operators as specified.

Responsibilities of Lessees:

Sound principles of safety, training, inspection, maintenance, application, and operation consistent
with all data available regarding the parameters of intended use and expected environment shall be
applied in the performance of responsibilities of lessees with due consideration of the knowledge
that the unit shall be carrying personnel.

A lessee is a person(s) or entity to whom an aerial platform is provided by lease, rental, loan, or
other arrangement. A lessee may also be a user or operator.

When a lessee uses the aerial platform as a dealer, the lessee shall have the responsibilities of
dealers as specified.

When a lessee uses the aerial platform as an owner, the lessee shall have the responsibilities of
owners as specified.

When a lessee uses the aerial platform as a use, the lessee shall have the responsibilities of users
as specified.

When a lessee uses the aerial platform as an operator, the lessee shall have the responsibilities of
operators as specified.