Options, Rcd / elcb outlet 11-1, Flashing light 11-1 – Snorkel SR3370 User Manual

Page 65: Lanyard anchor points 11-1, Electrical outlet 11-1, Non-marking tyres 11-1, Alternative power options 11-1

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11. Options

This chap ter lists and ex plains the op tions avail -
able for an SR.

n RCD / ELCB Outlet

Figure 11.1 - RCD / ELCB Outlet

The RCD (Re sid ual Cur rent De vice) is lo cated at
the ground and will pro tect against short cir cuits to
earth. When there is a short cir cuit the RCD will
shut down the 230v AC power to the plat



To re set the out let dis con nect the power tool lead
from the plat form box and re set the RCD at the

If the prob lem per sists call a trained ser vice tech ni -

n Flashing Light

The flash ing light alerts peo ple that the SR is pres -
ent and that the SR is mov ing. The light flashes at
about one flash per sec ond any time the SR is run -
ning. There is no ON/OFF switch for the flash ing
light, it can not be turned off while the SR is run ning.

n Lanyard Anchor Points

There are four an chors on the floor of the plat form,
one at the front of the roll-out deck, one at the back
of the plat form, and one on each side of the plat -


These anchors are not for lifting or tying down
the machine.


You should attach your fall protection to the
anchors if work rules require it.

n Electrical Outlet

Figure 11.3 - Electrical Outlet

The elec tri cal out let on the plat form, and its power
ca ble, are de signed to sup ply 2 kW of con tin u ous
duty power to run power tools of var i ous sorts. The
power can come from ei ther the op tional ac gen er -
a tor, dis cussed else where in this chap ter, or from
an elec tri cal source out side the SR. If you use an
elec tri cal source out side the SR be sure you dis -
con nect it be fore you drive the SR away.

n Non-Marking Tyres

These are tyres suited for us ing the SR in in door
sit u a tions.

n Alternative Power Options

There are a num ber of al ter na tive power op tions to
the stan dard die sel en gine.


Gasoline powered engine


LPG powered engine


Combination LPG/Gasoline powered

SR3370 & SR2770 – 12696A

Rev B

page 11 - 1


Power Input

Power Outlet

At Platform

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