Motor oil (un 1270) 12-10, Motor oil (un 1270) , 12-10, Motor oil (un 1270) -10 – Snorkel SP18 User Manual

Page 64: Danger, Chapter 12. fire fighting & chemical control

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Motor Oil (UN 1270)


Extinguishing media:

Use wa ter spray, dry chem i cal, foam, or CO




Special fire fighting procedures:

Wa ter or foam may cause froth ing. Use wa ter to
keep fire ex posed con tain ers cool. Wa ter spray
may be used to flush spills away from ex po sures.


Unusual fire and explosion hazards:


ucts of com


tion may con

tain car


mon ox ide, car bon di ox ide, and other toxic
ma te ri als.

DO NOT enter enclosed or confined space
without proper protective equipment
including respiratory protection.


Spill or leak:

Con tain spill im me di ately in small est area pos si ble.
Re cover as much of the prod uct it self as pos si ble
by such meth

ods as vac



ing, fol

lowed by

soak ing up of re sid ual flu ids by use of ab sor bent
ma te ri als.

R e m o v e

c o n t a m i n a t e d

i t e m s

i n c l u d i n g

con tam i nated soil and place in proper con tain ers
for dis posal. Avoid wash ing, drain ing or di rect ing
ma te rial to storm or san i tary sew ers .


Waste disposal method:

Re cy cle as much of the re cov er able prod uct as
pos si ble.


pose of non-recyclable ma


rial as a RCRA

haz ard ous waste by such meth ods as in cin er a tion,
c o m p l y in g w i t h f e d e r a l , s t a t e , a n d l o c a l
reg u la tions.

page 12 - 10

SP17/SP18 – 11972A

Chapter 12. Fire Fighting & Chemical Control


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