Electrocution 2-3, Tipover and falling hazards 2-3, Electrocution -3 tipover and falling hazards -3 – Snorkel SP18 User Manual

Page 17: Danger, Chapter 2. safety

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Other possible unsafe conditions.

A recommended safety practice is to have
personnel that are trained in the operation of the
emergency controls working in the immediate area
of the SP to assist the platform operator in the
event of an emergency to:

Help in case of an emergency

Operate emergency controls as required

Watch for loss of control by platform operator

Warn the operator of any obstructions or
hazards that may not be obvious to them

Watch for soft terrain, sloping surfaces,
drop-offs, etc. where stability could be

Watch for bystanders and never allow
anyone to be under, or to reach through the
booms while operating the aerial platform

Pinch points may exist between moving
components. Death or serious injury can
result from becoming trapped between
components, buildings, structures or other
obstacles. Make sure there is sufficient
clearance around the machine before moving
the chassis, booms, or platform. Allow
sufficient room and time to stop movement to
avoid contact with structures or other

When moving the platform, check the clearance
around the SP to avoid contact with structures or
other hazards. Always look in the direction of

Keep ground personnel from under the platform
when the platform is raised.


When low


ing the plat

form, pay spe


at ten tion to see that there are no peo ple near or
ap proach ing the ma chine. Should this be the
c a s e , i n t e r r u p t t h e l o w e r i n g p r o c e s s
im me di ately. Con tinue low er ing the plat form
only when any peo ple who were too near the
ma chine are out of its op er at ing per im e ter

Secure all accessories, containers, tools, and
other materials in the platform to prevent them from
accidentally falling or being kicked off the platform.

DO NOT engage in any form of horseplay or stunt
driving while operating the SP.

DO NOT permit riders on the machine anyplace
other than on the platform.

Remove all loose objects stored in or on the
machine, particularly in the platform. Remove all
objects which do not belong in or on the machine.

When other moving equipment is in the area, take
special precautions to comply with local
regulations regarding warnings.

Never steady the platform by positioning it against
another platform.



ate an SP that is not func



prop erly, or has been dam aged, un til the ma chine
has been re

paired by a qual


fied main



per son.

DO NOT operate a SP that does not have all its
decals and placards attached and legible.

Drive the machine with care and at speeds
compatible with conditions. Use extra caution
when driving over rough ground, on slopes, and
when turning.

Know and understand the job site traffic-flow
patterns and obey the flag-men, road signs, and

Watch for bystanders and never allow anyone to be
under, or to reach through, the machine and its
equipment while operating.

Use the recommended transport device when
loading the machine.


The SP is an all metal, NON-INSULATED, aerial
w o r k p l a t f o r m . D O N O T o p e r a t e i t n e a r
ELECTRICAL conductors. Regard all conductors
as being energized.

DO NOT operate outside during a thunderstorm.

Tipover and Falling Hazards

DO NOT raise the platform if the SP is on soft
ground. Operate the platform only on a firm surface
capable of withstanding all load forces imposed by
the aerial platform in all operating conditions.

The ae rial plat form can tip over if it be comes
un sta ble. Death or se ri ous in jury can re sult
from a tip-over ac


dent. Do not drive or

po si tion the ae rial plat form for el e vated use
near any drop-off, hole, slope, soft or un even
ground, or other tip-over haz ard.

Care shall be taken to prevent rope, electric cords,
and hoses, etc., from becoming entangled in the
aerial platform.

SP17/SP18 – 11972A

page 2 - 3

Chapter 2. Safety



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