Apple Xserve Diagnostics User Manual
Page 17

Chapter 3
Loading AXD Tools
Both of these alternatives immediately load AXD EFI tools and bypass the list of
volumes described in the next step.
If you loaded the list of volumes instead of immediately loading AXD tools, select the
volume with AXD tools, and then click the arrow button to load it.
The AXD EFI tools volume is listed as AXD EFI 3X102.
After you’re done using AXD EFI tools, when you restart the Xserve, it starts up using its
original startup volume.
Loading an AXD EFI Tools NetBoot Image Using the Xserve’s
Front Panel
You can use the Xserve’s front panel buttons to load an AXD EFI tools disk image
hosted by a NetBoot server. This technique is useful for situations where your Xserve:
 Doesn’t have a monitor or keyboard attached
 Doesn’t respond to keyboard input
 Doesn’t have Mac OS X Server installed
The Xserve must be on the same subnet as the NetBoot server hosting the AXD EFI
tools disk image.
If the Xserve’s EFI requires a password, you won’t be able to load a NetBoot image
using the front panel. You’ll need to disable the firmware password before you can use
the front panel. To disable the password, you must be able to load Mac OS X Server on
the Xserve.
To use the Xserve’s front panel to load an AXD EFI tools NetBoot image:
Turn off the Xserve.
Press and hold the system identifier button and press the on/standby button.
Continue holding the system identifier button until the top row of lights move right to
left. Release the system identifier button.
System identifier
Top row of lights blink right to left,
then left to right.