Pi – r – Apple QuickTake 100 User Manual

Page 76

background image

taking with camera 11–15
taking with Macintosh 37
transferring to Macintosh 21, 49
troubleshooting 52–54
undoing changes to 46
viewing different sizes of 27
viewing in camera 20, 49
working with 24–39
working with selected parts of 46

pixels 13

modem port 18
power adapter port 3, 40
printer port 18, 53
serial port 3, 18–19, 53

power. See batteries; power adapter
power adapter 39
power adapter port 3, 40
PowerBook AC Adapter 39
power requirements 56
previewing pictures 22, 42, 48
Print command (File menu) 33–34, 44
printer port 18, 53
printer port icon 18
printers, grayscale 29, 33–34, 45
printing pictures 33–34, 44–45

grayscale 29, 33–34, 45
high-resolution images 34
low-resolution images 34
options for 43–44
printing a single image 34
printing slide table 33


QuickTake icon 20, 22
QuickTake 100 AC Adapter 39
QuickTake 100 Battery Booster Pack 40
QuickTake 100 Connection Kit for

Windows 61

QuickTake 100 Travel Case 40

QuickTake Setup 63–64
QuickTake software

AppleTalk and 6, 53
changing pictures with 24–25, 27–31
copying pictures to another

application with 29

erasing pictures with 38
installing 6–8
menu commands 41–50
naming camera with 35
opening pictures with 22–31
printing pictures with 33–34
quitting 45
saving pictures with 31–32
setting clock with 36
taking pictures with 37
transferring pictures with 21
upgraded system software and 8
viewing pictures with 20, 26–27
Windows version of 61

Quit command (File menu) 44


rechargeable batteries 57–59

recharging 4, 57–58
discharging 59

recharging flash 52
red timer light 3, 15
renaming the camera 64
repair 58
replacing batteries 59
resetting the clock automatically 64
Resize command (Image menu) 27, 48
Resolution button

in QuickTake software 37
on camera 12

resolution icons 14
resolution settings 13
Rotate command (Image menu) 30, 47
rotating pictures and slides 30, 47

