Zoom views in the image window 27, Changing the printed size of a picture 27, Zoom views in the image window – Apple QuickTake 100 User Manual
Page 34: Changing the printed size of a picture
Zoom views in the image window
To see the picture in the image window enlarged, actual size, or reduced,
choose View from the Image menu, then choose an item from the submenu.
When you open an image the first time, the QuickTake software uses all the
pixels to present the best possible image on your monitor. With a high-
resolution image, the picture appears at 200% magnification.
Changing the printed size of a picture
To change the size of a printed picture, choose Resize from the Image menu.
In the box that appears, you can specify one aspect (width, height, or
resolution) of the size you want the picture to be. (Resizing affects the entire
picture displayed in the image window. You can’t select and resize one section
of the picture.)
Using the Camera With Your Macintosh
High-resolution images show
144 dots per inch (dpi).
Standard resolution images
show 72 dpi.
When you choose Zoom In,
the image doubles in size.
When you choose Zoom Out,
the image shrinks to half its
previous size.
To change the width, height, or
resolution of a printed picture, type
the number you want in the space
provided. You can define one
aspect of the size; QuickTake
calculates the other two aspects.
To choose the unit of
measure you want
(inches or
centimeters), use this
pop-up menu.
This represents a QuickTake
high-resolution image.
This shows the size
of the picture when
it’s printed.