Apple ImageWriter II User Manual
Page 13
Attaching the Connector to the Back Panel
Apple II, Apple II Plus:
If you are connecting your Super Serial Card to an Apple II or an Apple II Plus, you’ll need a special clamp
to attach the cable to the back panel. Ask your dealer for service parts 805-0084 and 805-0085.
Connect the ribbon cable to the Super Serial Card.
Connecting the Ribbon Cable to the Card
Put the card in slot 1. Install the card by rocking from back to front. Don’t rock it from side to side, and
don’t touch the gold “fingers” along the bottom edge of the card.
Installing the Super Serial Card in Slot 1
Connect the cable from your printer to the connector attached to the back panel of your computer.
Replace the cover.
Testing the Connection
Follow these steps to test the connection:
Make sure that drive 1 is empty.
Turn on the monitor.
Turn on the printer and make sure that its Select light is on.
Turn on the computer.
If your Apple automatically starts the disk drive, press CONTROL-RESET to stop the disk drive and put a
BASIC language prompt on the screen—a] for Applesoft or a> for Integer BASIC.
If you have an Apple II without an Auto-Start ROM, press RESET CONTROL-/kr/ Return to bring the
Integer BASIC prompt to the screen.
To send the keyboard output to the printer, typePR#1. (If you put the printer card in a slot other than slot
1, type that slot number instead. For example,PR#2 if you put the card in slot 2.) Press Return.
Type any characters you want;This is a test will do. Press Return to send this message to the printer.
Because you are sending characters to the printer, your typing will not appear on the screen.
The ImageWriter II should respond by printing the characters you typed and the words “SYNTAX
ERROR.” Don’t worry about the error message. If your message printed, the connection passed the test.
If it didn’t, see Chapter 5, “General Troubleshooting.”
To return output to the screen, press CONTROL-RESET.
Chapter 4: Working With the ImageWriter II
This chapter describes how to
create an efficient working environment for the ImageWriter II
use the control panel
find and set top of form