Adding or removing tags, Viewing all tags used in a wiki – Apple Mac OS X Server v10.6 User Manual

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Chapter 5

Navigating Wiki Tools


There are advantages to using tags:

Searching text can produce results that happen to mention what you’re searching


for but aren’t necessarily about what you’re looking for. With tags, you’d tag only
pages for a specific subject.
You can combine tags to find exactly what you’re looking for. For example if you’re


working on ProjectX and need to know everything important about it, you can
do a search for the “ProjectX” and “hot” tags. Similarly, to find out everything in
ProjectX that needed review, you’d search for the “ProjectX” and “review” tags. To
find everything that’s related to ProjectX, is important, and needs review, then you’d
search for all three tags.
You can turn a tag-based search into a very effective Really Simple Syndication


(RSS) feed. When you subscribe to an RSS feed through an RSS browser such as Mail,
you’re notified when a page in that feed is updated. If you subscribe to an RSS feed
of the “ProjectX” tag, you’re notified when a page related to ProjectX is created or

Adding or Removing Tags

You can easily add tags to wiki pages, blog posts, and mailing list entries.

When adding tags, be aware of the tags used in your wiki because tags are more
effective when they aren’t duplicated. For example, it is better to have one “ProjectX”
tag rather than “ProjectX” and “Project X” tags. Review similar pages to see how they’re
tagged to get ideas for how to tag your page.

To add a tag to a page:
While viewing a wiki page, blog post, or mailing list entry, click the Add Tag (+) button


next to “Tags” at the upper-left of the page and enter the tag.
As you type, the wiki tries to autocomplete your entry to match existing tags. If an
existing tag matches what you want to add, select it.
If you’re viewing the blog or the mailing list, click the title of a blog post or mailing list
entry to view it. You can’t apply tags when viewing several blog posts or mailing list

To remove a tag from a page:
While viewing a wiki page, blog post, or mailing list entry, drag the tag away from the


tag list and then release the mouse button.
While editing a wiki page or blog post, click the small X that appears when you move


the pointer near the tag.

Viewing All Tags Used in a Wiki

Here are ways to view all tags used in a wiki.