Apple iDVD 6 User Manual

Page 9

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Chapter 2

iDVD Tutorial


If you’ve added songs and photos to the libraries in iTunes and iPhoto, you can access
them in the Media pane of iDVD, shown below. If you have audio and image files in
folders outside of iTunes and iPhoto, you can drag those folders into the list of photos
or audio files in the Media pane after you open a project in iDVD.

Movies that are stored in the Movies folder on your hard disk appear automatically in
the Media pane. You can also drag movies you keep in other folders on your hard disk
to the movies list.

Did You Know?—Adding Other Movie Folders to the Media Pane

In iDVD preferences, you can specify folders you want iDVD to monitor. Movies stored
in these folders are automatically added to the movies list in the Media pane. For
instructions on how to do this, go to iDVD Help and search for “add media.”