Did you know?—creating custom themes, Step nine:organize your project in map view, Step nine: organize your project in map view – Apple iDVD 6 User Manual
Page 26

Chapter 2
iDVD Tutorial
Note: If the button links to a slideshow, you see the Photos pane you learned about in
“Step Seven: Customize the Main Menu” on page 22.
Move the slider left or right until you see the frame you want to show on the button.
If you don’t want the buttons to show moving video, deselect the checkbox in the
corner of the Movie pane. Then the button will show only the frame you selected.
Choose File > Save to save your work.
Step Nine: Organize Your Project in Map View
As your project becomes more complex, with menus and submenus, being able to see
an overview of your complete project would be a big help. You can do just that in map
view. You can also use map view to do batch editing and add an autoplay movie to
your DVD.
In this step, you will use map view to add an autoplay movie to your iDVD project and
view the organization of your DVD map.
To switch to map view:
Click the Map button, shown below.
Did You Know?—Creating Custom Themes
Once you design the background, music, text, and buttons on your menus the way
you like, you can save your customized menu as a custom theme. A custom theme
appears in the Themes pane, in the Favorites set of themes. You can select it to use
for future projects, just as you would with any theme.
For more information about customizing themes, see iDVD Help.
Map button