Step four:add a movie and scene selection menu, Step four: add a movie and scene selection menu – Apple iDVD 6 User Manual

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Chapter 2

iDVD Tutorial


Step Four: Add a Movie and Scene Selection Menu

After you choose your theme, you can add movies and other content to your iDVD
project. In this step, you’ll add a movie that contains chapter markers, so that viewers
have the option of jumping to a scene when they watch your DVD, just like a
Hollywood-style DVD.

When you drag a movie with chapter markers to a menu, iDVD recognizes the chapter
markers and automatically creates “scene selection menus” with buttons that link to
each of the chapters.

To add a movie with chapter markers:


Click the Media button.


Click the Movies button at the top of the Media pane, shown below.


Select the Movies folder. Thumbnail pictures of the movies in the folder are shown in
the bottom part of the pane.


Drag a movie with chapter markers from the movies list to the menu background on
the left side of the iDVD window.

In the Fish One menu, the menu background is everything you see in the menu: the
picture frame, gravel, and fish movie.