A – ap, Index 123, Index – Apple Power Macintosh (7100 Series) User Manual
Page 133
accessory kit 90
activating applications 20
active applications, identifying 53
adapter cards
inserting connector into
adapter kit, for AudioVision
for composite video format 41–42, 43
diagram x
Y-shaped 44, 46
ADB (Apple Desktop Bus) port,
air circulation 2, 4, 105
amplifier, attaching 35
Apple AudioVision 14
Apple Desktop Bus (ADB) icon 8
Apple Desktop Bus (ADB) port 8, 68
Apple Extras folder 51
Apple HD SC Setup icon 83, 86
Apple HD SC Setup program
Apple Internet Router network
and speech-recognition technology 36
Apple Remote Access network
AppleScript program 51
AppleShare Server network software 75
Application menu
choosing Finder 20, 27
Hide Others command 54
open programs listed 53
Show All command 54
activating 20
compatibility with system software
disk repair 87, 89
finding 70
identifying active 53
installing 51–52
memory usage of 55, 69
networking software 75
opening 55, 69–70, 72
preinstalled 51
quitting when system freezes 65–66
quit unexpectedly 69
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