Apple AppleShare IP 6.2 User Manual
Page 50

Chapter 2
Later you can further restrict access to this share point by selecting a user or group that will
have different privileges, or you can set different privileges for certain folders. You can learn
more about access privileges and related topics in the Web & File section of AppleShare IP
Click Save.
In the Disks & Share Points window, the icon for the disk, CD-ROM disc, or folder you’ve
selected changes to indicate that the item is shared.
Now when anyone in the Users & Groups List logs on to the Web & File Server via TCP/IP or
AppleTalk, he or she will be able to access this share point to the extent of the access
privileges you’ve set.
If you wish, repeat steps 5–9 to create more share points.
You can also wait to create your remaining share points until you’ve completed the
instructions in this manual.
Close the Disks & Share Points window.
You’ve completed your file sharing setup. To set up Web service, go to the next section.
Setting Up Web Service for the First Time
Web service and guest access to Web services is turned on by default. However, you need to
define the access privileges you want users to have to the Web Folder. To make sure no one
alters the contents of your Web site, you should assign Read Only access privileges to the
Everyone category for the Web Folder share point.
Note: If you want to put your Web files in another folder, use a different home page name,
or host multiple Web sites on your server, you need to perform additional steps. See the Web
& File Server section of AppleShare IP Help for more information.
To set access privileges to the Web Folder, follow these steps:
Open the Web & File Admin program.
Click the Web & File Admin button in the AppleShare IP Manager. Enter your name and
password in the Administer Web & File Server dialog box, then click OK.
The Web & File Server Activity window appears.
If AppleShare IP Easy Setup didn’t start the Web & File Server for you, choose Start Web &
File Server from the Server menu.
A message indicates that the Web & File Server is starting up. When the status line in the
upper-left corner of the Web & File Server Activity window indicates that the Web & File
Server is running, go to step 3.