Apple Newton Internet Enabler User Manual
Page 25

Newton modems
If you have access to the World Wide Web, you can find an up-to-date list of
Newton-compatible modems through Apple’s NIE Web site at:
If you’re in the United States, you can get a list of compatible modems through
Apple's Fax Back information service by dialing 1-800-909-0260. You need to request
the documents “Apple MessagePad
Cellular Phone Solutions” and “Apple
MessagePad Landline Modem Solutions.” (You can order the list of available
document titles through this phone number.)
If your modem isn’t included in the list, it may still work with NIE—but it hasn’t been
tested yet. If you already own a modem, follow the NIE setup instructions and try to
establish a connection.
Updating your Newton system software
You can obtain the latest system software in one of two ways. If you have access to
the World Wide Web, you can find the latest updates through Apple's Newton Web
site at:
If you don't have access to the Web, you can get the latest system update from the
Newton Update Server. Follow these steps:
Make sure you have a modem attached to your Newton device and the appropriate
modem setup selected in Modem Prefs.
Go to the In Box. (Tap the InOut Box button, if you have one; otherwise, open the
Extras Drawer ´, tap the folder tab at the top of the Extras Drawer, tap All Icons,
and then tap In Box.)
In the In Box, tap Receive, then select Update.
In the slip that appears, enter the phone number 1-800-639-8669 (1-800-Newton-9).
Tap Call.