Apple Power Macintosh 9500 Series User Manual

Page 163

background image

repairing disks 93–97
repetitive stress injuries (RSIs) 112
replacing special software in new System

Folder 104

replacing the clock battery 65
Restart command (Special menu) 63
restarting the computer

methods for 63, 143
troubleshooting and 66–67, 70–73,

75, 78, 80

Return key 140


“sad Macintosh” icon 67
safety instructions

CD-ROM discs 120
CD-ROM drive/player vii, 121
cleaning equipment 120, 123–125
connecting a SCSI or ADB device 33
floppy disks 119
general precautions 116
handling equipment 117–118
installing additional DRAM 44

scanners, connecting 40–43
screen. See also monitor

appears dark 64
cleaning 115, 123
minimizing glare and reflections

114, 115

screen saver programs 64, 118
scroll arrows 17
scroll bar, Macintosh Guide Index

window 25

SCSI chains 40, 42, 43
SCSI devices

computer doesn’t recognize 66
connecting 40–43

SCSI ID numbers 41, 66, 68, 77, 93
SCSI interface (internal) 40
SCSI peripheral interface cable 42
SCSI port 34, 35, 40

SCSI system cable 41
SCSI terminators 42
security lock ports 35
shared libraries for Power Macintosh

applications 52, 76

Sharing Setup control panel 55
Shift key 140
Shortcuts command (Guide [h] menu)


Show All command (Application

menu) 50

Show Balloons command (Guide [h]

menu) 30

showing/hiding windows on the

desktop 50

Shut Down command (Special menu)

18, 71, 78

size box 17
sleep mode 64
slider, Macintosh Guide Index

window 25

software license agreement 86
software updates, obtaining 86–89
sound input/output ports 35–39
special characters and symbols, typing


special keys 140, 143
Special menu

Empty Trash command 17
Restart command 63
Shut Down command 18, 71, 78

spills on computer equipment 116, 117,

118, 121

startup disk, defined 97
static electricity, discharging 132
stereo miniplug 37, 39
stereo speakers, connecting 39–40
StyleWriter and StyleWriter II models,

printer driver compatibility 85

switching to another program 50
symbols and international characters,

typing 141–142

