For your safe flight page 19 – J.P. Instruments EDM 760 Pilots Guide User Manual

Page 23

background image

the first and last to peak (GAMI Spread), as well as the richest
peak EGT.

- 5






1 2 3 4 5 6 T

° F L R P

7 .3


E D M - 7 6 0

L e a n i n g L E A N o f P e a k

1 2 3 4 5 6 T

3 0 0

4 0 0

5 0 0


T e m p e r a t u r e b e l o w

p e a k o f t h e l a s t

c y l i n d e r t o p e a k

C u r r e n t f u e l f l o w

r a t e

L a r g e s t c o l u m n i s

t h e f i r s t c y l i n d e r t o

p e a k

S h o r t e s t c o l u m n is

t h e l a s t c y l i n d e r t o

p e a k

Fine Tuning the Mixture

Fuel flow is the critical issue in the leaning process. Uniform fuel
distribution to all cylinders results in the best economy and smooth
operation. Estimate the uniform fuel distribution by the heights of the
EGT columns on the analog display. Uniform fuel balance among all
cylinders occurs when the heights of the columns, displayed in Percentage
view, are uniform. Minor adjustments in throttle position, RPM, and
mixture settings can dramatically improve uniformity of the fuel
distribution. In fuel injected engines, interchanging injector nozzles
between high and low EGT cylinders will improve fuel distribution in
many cases.

If you tap STEP, scanning will resume. Or instead, if you tap LF
you will return to the inverted bar graph, which can be used for fine
tuning. To begin the LeanFind procedure anew, tap LF a second

Turbocharged Engines
The leaning process for turbocharged engines is by reference to the first
cylinder or TIT to reach peak. However, the TIT factory red line may

For Your Safe Flight

Page 19