BNC 1420 - Video Microscope User Manual
Page 39

Recording Data
Data can be recorded simultaneously from all probes. To record data:
Choose File >Measurement File Naming to select how the
recorded data will be save:
Naming settings for new measurements dialog box.
If you choose Do not auto-name, scopePRO will prompt
you for a file name and location for each new recording.
Choose Auto-name files to automatically name each
recording. Check Append the date, Append the time,
and/or Append counter to add these values to the new file
names. An example of how the name will appear is shown
at the bottom of the dialog box.
To begin recording choose File >Record, or click the Start/Stop
toolbar button. If Autonaming is selected, recording will
begin immediately. Otherwise, recording will begin after you name
the file and click OK.
To end recording, choose File > Record or click the Start/Stop
button again.