BNC 1420 - Video Microscope User Manual
Page 27

Look Up Tables (LUT s), which convert the analog voltage outputs of the
video signal to the appropriate gray scale or color values.
If you have a B&W camera, you want to make sure you are using an 8-bit
LUT, converting the analog voltage into 256 different gray scale levels.
Normally you would use a grayscale LUT, mapping the 256 gray scale
levels into 256 different shades of gray, but you can apply color LUT s for
false color display. The reason for using false color display is that it is
difficult to distinguish 256 different gray levels on a standard computer
monitor. Converting shades of gray into colors can significantly enhance
visibility of small differences in gray scale value.
You can experiment with false color display by: Click Video>Color
format>Spectrum LUT, etc.
If you have a color camera and you want to keep the color, click
Video>Color format>24-bit RGB. You may also select a monochrome 8
bit with a color camera to save RAM and disk space. Color video data
takes up 8 bits each for the red, blue and green colors, and thus consumes
three times as much disk space and processing time as 8 bit-per-pixel
One of the main features of the scopePRO application is the ability to
record long, unbroken video sequences without compression. These video
sequences are stored in standard AVI format, so that they can later be
viewed by Windows Media Player or other video playback software, off-
line processed by scopePRO or other video processing software,
compatible with the AVI standard.
To enable uncompressed video recording, scopePRO makes use of a
double buffering system, described below. The buffering scheme also
enables pre-trigger recording, enabling you to store a video of what
happened before the trigger instant.