Probes – BNC 1420 - Video Microscope User Manual
Page 34

Although the deinterlace filters improve the visual appearance of the video,
they are designed for general video scenery and may not be effective for
scientific imagery. All filters are based on some form of interpolation
between frames under the assumption that scene motion is continuous
between frames. When the movies are analyzed by various algorithms, the
effect of the deinterlace filter on the result will be algorithm-dependent.
scopePRO has sophisticated real-time probe capabilities that allow users
to monitor image properties like color, intensity, variation and video
properties like inferred motion (e.g., particle image velocimetry) in real
time. These real-time measurements can be recorded to disk and can
trigger real-time actions.
How to Use PIV Probes in scopePRO
scopePRO software makes it easy to create software probes to monitor
flow characteristics. scopePRO can support as many PIV probes as your
computer s processor can handle. Each probe can have its own properties;
probes are almost always square, though it is possible to extend the probe
in one direction to increase signal-to-noise ratio along that axis.
TIP: When learning how to use scopePRO s PIV probes it is useful to
start with a stable particle flow, or a movie of a stable flow.
Connect the 1420 to the computer and turn on both.
Launch scopePRO software.
Prepare the microfluidic channel. Fill it out with the buffer and
introduce a sample of polystyrene fluorescent particles.
Adjust focus, illumination and flow characteristics.