BNC 1420 - Video Microscope User Manual
Page 13

Back panel connections
The Model 1420 back panel
Video output
The video signal is output on two connectors: a BNC connector with
composite, analog RS170 or NTSC video, and an S-video output
compatible with most video cards and analog recorders. It is generally
recommended to use the S-video for best image quality, but some
monitors without S-video input may require the composite video signal.
The supplied Hauppauge WinTV card has both S-video and composite
input connectors.
Digital inputs and outputs
The four digital inputs and three outputs on BNC connectors provide TTL
level communication with external equipment. The inputs can be used to
control or to strobe the four LED illuminator channels, or to trigger more
advanced behaviors. The outputs are selectable and include video timing
information, motion status information, and several advanced
programmable flags. The inputs could be connected to digital experiment
controllers like the BNC Model 725, interlock switches, sensors, or other
external devices, and the outputs connected to other apparatus to facilitate
real-time control and automation.
External Illuminator
This male nine-pin D-sub connector provides 5 V DC power and pulse
signals to drive 4 external illumination sources with settings similar to the
four-bank led module.