Reports menu, Configuration, Active links – Black Box GEH-6510 User Manual

Page 55: Configuration active links

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•••• Chapter Four - Menus and Toolbars

DDE Server User’s Guide

Reports Menu

The Reports pull-down menu is shown below. Descriptions of the reports options
follow. The options available on this menu permit several kinds of reports to be
generated and saved as .txt files on disk for viewing and printing. The Reports menu
is always available; the Server need not be stopped to run a report.


Selecting this option generates a report on the current configuration of the Server.
The report is saved as a text file containing the following information:

• configured device types (with the mnemonic list, function codes added,

and register groups)

• configured comm ports (with port parameters)
• and configured devices (with Device Name (Topic), Com Port Name,

Slave Address, and Scan Interval).

A dialog box prompts you for a file name and location where to save the file. The
default file name is config.txt.

Active Links

The Active Links option (available only when Server is in Run mode) creates a text
file containing the following information: currently active comm ports and active
devices (along with their device type, register groups, and mnemonic items). You will
be prompted for a file name (default file name is active.txt). The information in this
text file can be useful for debugging communications problems.