Fastener torque values – Bryant 548J User Manual
Page 67

the difference between the indoor air quality and an
optional outdoor air quality sensor. If the outdoor air
quality is not present then a fixed value of 400ppm is
used. The following conditions must be true in order for
this algorithm to run:
The mode is occupied.
Indoor Fan has been ON for at least 30 seconds.
Indoor Air Quality sensor has a valid reading
As air quality within the space changes, the minimum
position of the economizer damper will be changed thus
allowing more or less outdoor air into the space depending
on the relationship of the indoor air quality to the
differential setpoint. If all the above conditions are true,
the IAQ algorithm will run and calculates an IAQ
minimum position value using a PID loop. The IAQ
minimum damper position is then compared against the
user configured economizer minimum position and the
greatest value becomes the final minimum damper
position of the economizer output.
If the calculated IAQ minimum position is greater than
the IAQ maximum damper position configuration then it
will be clamped to the configured value.
Demand Limit
If the RTU--MP receives a level 1 (one degree offset), 2
(two degree offset), or a 3 (4 degree offset) to the BACnet
demand limit variable, the controller will expand the
heating and cooling setpoints by the configured demand
limit setpoint value and remain in effect until the BACnet
demand limit variable receives a 0 value.
See Table 24 for torque values.
Table 24 – Torque Values
Supply fan motor mounting
120 ¦ 12 in---lbs
13.6 ¦ 1.4 Nm
Supply fan motor adjustment plate
120 ¦ 12 in---lbs
13.6 ¦ 1.4 Nm
Motor pulley setscrew
72 ¦ 5 in---lbs
8.1 ¦ 0.6 Nm
Fan pulley setscrew
72 ¦ 5 in---lbs
8.1 ¦ 0.6 Nm
Blower wheel hub setscrew
72 ¦5 in---lbs
8.1 ¦0.6 Nm
Bearing locking collar setscrew
65 to70 in---lbs
7.3 to 7.9 Nm
Compressor mounting bolts
65 to75 in---lbs
7.3 to 7.9 Nm
Condenser fan motor mounting bolts
65 to75 in---lbs
7.3 to 7.9 Nm
Condenser fan motor mounting bolts
20 ¦ 2 in---lbs
2.3 ¦ 0.2 Nm
Condenser fan hub setscrew
84 ¦ 12 in---lbs
9.5 ¦ 1.4 Nm
04A---06A Direct---Drive:
Motor mount arm
60 ¦ 5 in---lbs
6.8 ¦ 0.5 Nm
Fan wheel hub setscrew
120 ¦ 12 in---lbs
13.6 ¦ 1.4 Nm
Motor belly band bolt
80 ¦ 5 in---lbs
9.0 ¦ 0.6 Nm