Bryant 548J User Manual
Page 28

6. For units with an economizer, the sampling tube is in-
tegrated into the economizer housing but the connec-
tion of the flexible tubing to the sampling tube is the
Fig. 41 -- Return Air Sensor Operating Position
FIOP Smoke Detector Wiring and Response
All units: FIOP smoke detector is configured to
automatically shut down all unit operations when smoke
condition is detected. See Fig. 42, Typical Smoke
Detector System Wiring.
Highlight A: JMP 3 is factory--cut, transferring unit
control to smoke detector.
Highlight B: Smoke detector NC contact set will open on
smoke alarm condition, de--energizing the ORN
Highlight C: 24--v power signal via ORN lead is removed
at Smoke Detector input on CTB (Control Terminal
Board); all unit operations cease immediately.
Highlight D: On smoke alarm condition, the smoke
detector NO Alarm contact will close, supplying 24--v
power to GRA conductor.
Highlight E: GRA lead at Smoke Alarm input on CTB
provides 24--v signal to FIOP DDC control.
RTU--MP: The 24--v signal is conveyed to RTU--MP’s
J1--10 input terminal. This signal initiates the FSD
sequence by the RTU--MP control. FSD status is reported
to connected BAS network.
Using Remote Logic: Five conductors are provided for
field use (see Highlight F in Fig. 42) for additional
annunciation functions.
Additional Application Data — Refer to Catalog No.
HKRNKA--1XA for discussions on additional control
features of these smoke detectors including multiple unit
coordination. See Fig. 42.
Fig. 42 -- Typical Smoke Detector System Wiring