Multi-function link, Visioneer paperport le, Multi-function link visioneer paperport le – Brother FAX 870MC User Manual

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U S I N G T H E M U L T I - F U N C T I O N L I N K S O F T W A R E ( F O R M F C 9 7 0 M C O N L Y )

Multi-Function Link

The Multi-Function Link Main Menu is the application used for all fax
sending and receiving operations. It also contains an electronic Phone Book
program and a Log Manager that maintains a record of all PC fax
transactions. The Main Menu can be accessed through the Brother Multi-
Function Link program group.

Visioneer PaperPort LE

Visioneer PaperPort LE for Brother is a document management application.
You will use PaperPort to view incoming faxes and scanned documents.
PaperPort has a sophisticated, yet easy to use filing system that will help
you organize your documents. It allows you to combine or “stack”
documents of different formats for printing, faxing, or filing. PaperPort can
be accessed through the PaperPort program group.

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