Barco CORONIS FUSION 4MP/6MP User Manual
Page 30

Coronis Fusion 4MP/6MP
A color target is defined by its luminance target and color temperature.
The color definition submenu allows to edit these values.
Color name
Indicates the color target you are editing.
You can select another color target to edit
by using the Up and Down touch keys
or by rotating the control wheel.
Luminance target
Allows to select the luminance target that
corresponds to the color target.
Defined in
Indicates how the color temperature is
defined: in (x,y) co-ordinates or Kelvin (K).
You can switch between both by using the
Up and Down touch keys or by
rotating the control wheel.
This function is available only when the
User color target is selected.
Allows to define the x co-ordinate of the
color temperature that corresponds to the
color target.
This function is available only when the
color target is defined in (x,y) co-ordinates.
This function is not available when the
Native White color target is selected.
Allows to define the y co-ordinate of the
color temperature that corresponds to the
color target.
This function is available only when the
color target is defined in (x,y) co-ordinates.
This function is not available when the
Native White color target is selected.