Bryant 541A User Manual

Page 19

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1. Hot gas from compressor flows through the reversing (4-way) valve

and is directed to the outdoor coil header. At the outdoor coil it is
condensed and subcooled through converging circuits.

2. Check valve ‘‘A’’ directs all hot gas flow into circuits in bottom face

of outdoor coil. Refrigerant condenses in these circuits and then
exits into an intermediary collection header.

3. Refrigerant is directed from intermediary header to circuits in

upper face where further condensing is accomplished.

4. Refrigerant exits upper coil section into the top half of the vapor

header (above check valve ‘‘A’’) and is then redirected to a final
(subcooling) pass in center of coil face (120) or exits header via
outlet tube (180).

5. Refrigerant leaves the outdoor coil by way of check valve ‘‘B’’ to

the liquid line.

6. The refrigerant then flows through the filter drier and feeds the

indoor coil by way of the TXV and feeder valves.

7. Each circuit evaporates the refrigerant and the circuits are com-

bined in the indoor coil header.

8. The refrigerant then flows through the reversing (4-way) valve,

accumulator and back to the compressor.


TXV — Thermostatic Expansion Valve

1. Check valves are designated ‘‘A’’ through ‘‘D.’’
2. Illustrations are typical and do not portray exact coil circuiting.
3. Check valve positions:



Fig. 18 — Typical Heat Pump Cooling Operation Schematic

(541A120 Shown)
