Data management – Pioneer SC-LX56-S User Manual
Page 87

The Advanced MCACC menu
Speaker Distance
Use this to display the distance from the different channels to the listening position. See
Speaker Distance
page 91
for more on this.
1 Select ‘Speaker Distance’ from the MCACC Data Check menu.
2 When ‘MCACC’ is highlighted, use
k/l to select the MCACC preset you want to check.
The distance from the various channels set at the selected MCACC preset is displayed. ‘---’ is displayed for chan-
nels that are not connected.
Standing Wave
Use this to display the standing wave related adjustment values for the various MCACC memories. See
page 85
for more on this.
1 Select ‘Standing Wave’ from the MCACC Data Check menu.
2 When ‘Filter Channel’ is highlighted, use
i/j to select the channel for which you want to
check standing wave control.
The standing wave related calibration value for the selected channel stored at the selected MCACC preset and its
graph are displayed.
3 Press
k to highlight ‘MCACC’, then use i/j to select the MCACC preset you want to
Acoustic Cal EQ
Use this to display the calibration values for the frequency response of the various channels set in the different
MCACC presets. See
Acoustic Calibration EQ Adjust
page 85
for more on this.
1 Select ‘Acoustic Cal EQ’ from the MCACC Data Check menu.
2 When ‘Ch’ is highlighted, use
i/j to select the channel.
The calibration value for the frequency response of the selected channel stored at the selected MCACC preset
and its graph are displayed.
3 Press
k to highlight ‘MCACC’, then use i/j to select the MCACC preset you want to
Group Delay
Use this to display the calibrated speaker group delay results. See
Better sound using Phase Control and Full
Band Phase Control
page 56
1 Select ‘Group Delay’ from the MCACC Data Check menu.
2 When ‘Channel’ is highlighted, use
k/l to select the channel you want to check.
The result of group delay calibration for the selected channel is displayed.
When measurements have been performed with Full Auto MCACC selected at Advanced MCACC or with ALL
or Full Band Phase Ctrl selected when Auto MCACC is selected, the graph before group delay calibration is also
When After is selected at Calibration, the group delay after calibration is displayed. Compared to when Before
is selected, with After there is less difference in the delay between frequency bands and the group delay between
the different channels is uniform, allowing you to check the full band phase control effect.
No Data is displayed if the selected group delay has not been measured.
Data Management
This system allows you to store up to six MCACC presets, allowing you to calibrate your system for different listen-
ing positions (or frequency adjustments for the same listening position). This is useful for alternate settings to
match the kind of source you’re listening to and where you’re sitting (for example, watching movies from a sofa,
or playing a video game close to the TV).
From this menu you can copy from one preset to another, name presets for easier identification and clear any
ones you don’t need.
! This can be done in
Automatically conducting optimum sound tuning (Full Auto MCACC)
page 40
Automatic MCACC (Expert)
page 82
, either of which you should have already completed.
1 Press
on the remote control, then press HOME MENU.
A Graphical User Interface (GUI) screen appears on your TV. Use
i/j/k/l and ENTER to navigate through the
screens and select menu items. Press RETURN to exit the current menu.
2 Select ‘Data Management’ from the Home Menu.
3 Select the setting you want to adjust.
! Memory Rename – Name your MCACC presets for easy identification (see
Renaming MCACC presets
page 87
! MCACC Memory Copy – Copy settings from one MCACC preset to another (see
Copying MCACC preset data
page 87
! MCACC Memory Clear – Clear any MCACC presets that you don’t want (see
Clearing MCACC presets
page 88
Renaming MCACC presets
If you have several different MCACC presets that you’re using, you may want to rename them for easier
1 Select ‘Memory Rename’ from the Data Management setup menu.
2 Select the MCACC preset you want to rename, then select an appropriate preset name.
i/j to select the preset, then k/l to select a preset name.
3 Repeat for as many MCACC presets as necessary, then press RETURN when you’re finished.
You will return to the Data Management setup menu.
Copying MCACC preset data
If you want to manually adjust the Acoustic Calibration EQ (see
Manual MCACC setup
page 84
), we recom-
mend copying your current settings to an unused MCACC preset. Instead of just a flat EQ curve, this will give you
a reference point from which to start.
! The settings made in
Automatically conducting optimum sound tuning (Full Auto MCACC)
page 40
Automatic MCACC (Expert)
page 82
1 Select ‘MCACC Memory Copy’ from the Data Management setup menu.
2 Select the setting you want to copy.
! All Data – Copies all the settings of the selected MCACC preset memory.
! Level & Distance – Copies only the channel level and speaker distance settings of the selected MCACC pre-
set memory.
3 Select the MCACC preset you’ll be copying the settings ‘From’, then specify where you
want to copy them (‘To’).
Make sure you don’t overwrite an MCACC preset you’re currently using (this can’t be undone).