Blodgett KLT-G Series User Manual
Page 24

6.0 SERVICE (Continued)
ADDING WATER (Low water light comes on)
It may be necessary to replenish water in the jacket when the low water indicator comes on. Do
so as follows:
1. Unit should be completely cold and off.
2. Lift handle of pressure relief valve to release vacuum in kettle.
3. Remove relief valve and attach a 3/4" NPT elbow pointing upward.
4. Using pure distilled water only, pour the water into the open end of elbow (a funnel will be
helpful). Water will enter kettle slowly, as air must escape through the same hole. Water
should be added until water level at the sight glass is halfway between the minimum and
maximum levels.
5. When sufficient water has been added, remove elbow and replace pressure relief valve. Be
sure to seal threads with a pipe joint compound suitable for steam at 50 psi.
6. Vacuum must be re-established (See Re-establishing Vacuum).
The total amount of distilled water to be added when low level pilot is illuminated:
- 169 fl. oz. (5 L)
- 270 fl. oz. (8 L)
- 372 fl. oz. (11 L)