Olympus PT-E05 User Manual

Page 37

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EN 36



: What cautions must be observed when opening and closing the Case?


: Pay special attention to the following items.


Do not open and close the Case at locations with water spray or sand spray.


Wipe off all waterdrops from the gap between the front lid and the rear lid and around

projections and recesses such as the buckles.

When this is not done, entry of waterdrops into the Case is to be feared at the time of

opening and closing.


When opening the Case, take care that no water will drip from your hair or body into the

Case or onto the camera.


When the case is open, examine the O-rings and the O-ring contact surfaces on the front

lid for foreign matter such as hair, fiber, and grains of sand. Remove these if present. Also

examine the O-rings used for connection of the case and port.


Do not touch the camera or the image storage if your hands are in contact with seawater.


If you should detect waterdrops or other signs of water leakage while shooting, immediately

end the dive, perform the water leakage test again, and confirm that there is no leakage. If

the camera is wet, wipe off any moisture and check the operation.


: How should the Case be handled after use?


: After use, take out the camera as soon as possible and wash the Case with pure water. In case

of use in the ocean, it is effective to immerse the Case for a certain time in pure water to remove

any salt. Operate the buttons and levers under water to turn the shafts and wash off any salt.

After washing, use a dry cloth without any salt on it to wipe off any moisture and dry the Case

in the shade. Do not use hot air from a hair drier or the like and do not dry the Case under direct

sunlight. Exposure to high temperatures or direct sunlight may cause deformation,

discoloration or breakage of the Case and deterioration of the O-ring. Wipe the inside of the

Case with a lint-free soft cloth. Remove the O-ring, wipe off any salt, sand, dust, etc., and also

clean the O-ring groove and the O-ring contact surface in the same way and then dry them.

When an object with a sharp tip is used to remove the O-ring from the groove, the O-ring may

be damaged and water leakage may be caused. Always use the accessory pick for O-ring



: How can I check for water leakage?


: For confirmation, perform the advance test and the final test after loading the camera. The

advance test with immersing the Case without the camera to the intended use depth to check

for water leakage is the most accurate test, but when this is difficult, it is safer to perform this

test even at a depth of 1 m or in a bathtub. The final test also can be performed in a bathtub or

a bucket.


: What are the causes for entry of water?


: The main causes for the entry of water are shown below. Please check with special care.


Forgetting to install the O-ring


The O-ring is partly or completely outside the groove.


Damage, deterioration, or deformation of the O-ring


Sand, fibers, hair or other foreign matter on the O-ring


When foreign matter (sand, fiber, hair, etc.) is stuck to the O-ring grooves or O-ring contact



Catching of the strap, the bag of silica gel, etc. at the time of sealing the Case.


Throwing the Case from a boat into the water, jumping with the Case into the water, or other

sudden application of strong forces onto the Case. When entering the water, hand the Case

over quietly or avoid impacts in other ways.

PT-E05_EN.Book Page 36 Wednesday, June 4, 2008 12:34 PM