Copyright – Konica Minolta PS5000C User Manual
Page 10

Scanning into a computer and subsequent printing of the following is also prohibited by law under
some circumstances.
1. Paper Money of the United States or any Foreign Government
2. Obligations or Securities of the United States
3. Postage stamps, Postal Money Orders or Internal Revenue Stamps
4. Passports
5. Badges, Identification Card, Passes or Insignia carried by Federal Departments
6. Obligations or Securities of any Foreign Government, Bank or Corporation
The above list is not all-inclusive, and no liability is assumed for its completeness. In case you have
doubt, consult your lawyer.
UL/cUL Marking
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with UL60950 third edition.
Books, magazines, journals and other materials may be copyrighted.
Unauthorized scanning into a computer and subsequent printing of such
copyrighted materials may be contrary to the provisions of the United States
copyright laws, title 17 of the United States Code.
You are encouraged to obtain a license from an organization such as the
Copyright Clearance Center in those circumstances where it is appropriate.
Post a copy of the above notice where it will be clearly visible to
users of the scanner.