Introduction, Installation notes, Windows xp – Konica Minolta MAGICOLOR 2300 User Manual
Page 50: Windows 2000, Windows me/98/95, Windows nt 4, Crown print monitor

A print monitor is software that enables the connection between software
applications and the network port on your PC. Depending on your Windows
environment, you will use either the Microsoft Print Monitor or the print moni-
tor that comes with your printer on the Utilities and Documentation CD-ROM.
Installation Notes
Windows XP
When setting up the printer on a network, use the Standard TCP/IP port and
then select either Generic or Minolta Network Printer as the device type.
Then use the Microsoft Print Monitor in this environment.
Windows 2000
When setting up the printer on a network, use the Standard TCP/IP port and
then select either Generic or Minolta Network Printer as the device type.
Then use the Microsoft Print Monitor in this environment.
Windows Me/98/95
When setting up the printer on a network, use the magicolor TCP/IP port.
Then use the accompanying Print Monitor.
Windows NT 4
When setting up the printer on a network, use the LPR port. Then type the
printer's IP address in the first text box and LP in the second text box. Use the
accompanying Print Monitor.
Crown Print Monitor
The Crown Print Monitor is used with MINOLTA-QMS Crown printers (not with
the magicolor 2300 DL). If you install a print monitor for use with the magi-
color 2300 DL and then install the Crown Print Monitor (version 2.0.14 and
below) to use with MINOLTA-QMS Crown printer, you must restart your PC
before printing. Otherwise, a shade of yellow or green will print over the text
on the test page.