Command line options, Rules to follow for creating csv files, Kip track system – Konica Minolta KIP 7700 User Manual
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KIP Track System
This information is solely for use of KIP Personnel and KIP Authorized Dealers. No part of this publication may be copied,
reproduced or distributed in any form without express written permission from KIP. 2012 KIP. vii_iv
Command line options
If you wish to encrypt and transmit the KIP Track data to the IPS without using the UI, it is necessary to use a
command line to run the KIP Track which has the capability to process the .DAT, encrypt the data and transmit
it to the IPS without user intervention. Options can be specified:
-? – Help screen
-p [password] – Password (available to service personnel only)
-i [ipaddress] – the IPAddress of your IPS
-f [file location] – Comma separated file with .DAT extension to import
-a [yes or no] – use “yes” to append the data on the IPS
-A – Auto mode, if this switch is used, –i, -p, and -f must be specified. This switch will automatically open the KIP
Track software, import, save and upload to the IPS without any user intervention.
To automatically (silent command) import a file to the IPS the command line would look like this.
.exe –A –f “C:\
KIP Track
KIP Track
.dat” –p [password] –i [your printer ip address]
Rules to follow for creating CSV files:
1. Note: due to various versions of CSV files that have been used in the past, it is easiest to review the
current format of the CSV by first using the KIP Track to tool to make a few entries, SAVE the data, then
EXPORT to the data to a .DAT file.
2. Each record is one line (with exceptions)
3. Fields are separated with commas
4. Leading and trailing space-characters adjacent to comma field separators are ignored
5. Fields with embedded commas must be delimited with double-quote characters Example:(1, "John, Da
Man",Doe would be John, Da Man)
6. Fields that contain double quote characters must be surrounded by double-quotes, and the
embedded double-quotes must each be represented by a pair of consecutive double quotes.
Example:(1, "John ""Da Man""",Doe would be John “Da Man”)
Fields may always be delimited with double quotes