Lenovo ThinkVantage (Rescue and Recovery 4.5) User Manual
Page 66

Table 26. BMGR32 parameters (continued)
Configure the boot manager to use the blue button on the keyboard to enter
the Predesktop Area.
/TOC tocvalue
Set the BIOS TOC location (16 characters that represent 8 bytes of data).
Show partition 0.
Show partition 1.
Show partition 2.
Show partition 3.
Show service partition.
Load the Rescue and Recovery environment (RRE) Master boot record program.
Unload the RRE Master boot record program.
Force installation or install of the Master boot record program
List command-line options.
When calling bmgr.exe with a /info attribute, the following information is dumped:
• Additional master boot records
Sector numbers containing the master boot record, other than the first sector.
• Data
Sector number of the data sector used by the master boot record.
• Patch indices
Sector numbers of any patches applied using the master boot record.
• Checksum return
0 if there are no checksum errors.
• Boot Partition
The 1-based partition table index of the service partition.
• Alt Partition
Partition table index pointing to the DOS bootable area, if one exists.
• Original MBR
Sector number where the machine’s original master boot record is stored.
• IBM Flag
Value from the data sector (1 if Lenovo-branded system, 0 if not)
• Boot Config
Displays the installation option used to describe the machine layout. Whether a service partition was
used, or a virtual partition.
• Signature
Signature value found within the data sector and the first sector, should contain “NP”.
• Pause Duration
Displays the number of ¼ seconds to wait if the F11 message is displayed to the screen.
• Scan Code
The key used when booting to the service area. The scan code for the F11 key is 85.
• RR
Not used by BMGR, this is set by the Rescue and Recovery program.
• Prev Active Part
Displays the partition table index of the previously active partition when booted to the service area.
Rescue and Recovery 4.5 Deployment Guide