Rescue and recovery installation – Lenovo ThinkVantage (Rescue and Recovery 4.5) User Manual
Page 12

Table 1. Examples of running Setup.exe (continued)
Perform silent administrative installation specifying the
extract location for the Rescue and Recovery program.
setup.exe /a /s /v”/qn TARGETDIR=”F:
Perform silent uninstallation.
setup.exe /s /x /v/qn
Perform installation with no reboot. Create an installation
log in temp directory for the Rescue and Recovery
setup.exe /v”REBOOT=”R” /L*v %temp%
Perform installation without installing the Predesktop Area.
setup.exe /vPDA=0
The table below shows installation examples using Rescue and Recovery.msi:
Table 2.
Perform installation.
msiexec /i “C:\TVTRR\Rescue and Recovery.msi”
Perform silent installation with no reboot.
msiexec /i “C:\TVTRR\Rescue and Recovery.msi” /qn
Perform silent uninstallation.
msiexec /x “C:\TVTRR\Rescue and Recovery.msi” /qn
Perform installation without installing the Predesktop Area.
msiexec /i “C:\TVTRR\Rescue and Recovery.msi” PDA=0
Rescue and Recovery installation
The following instructions are for the files that can be downloaded separately from the Individual language
files for Large Enterprise download page.
1. The main installation executables for the Rescue and Recovery program are:
• Z936ZISXXXXUS00.exe
• Z936ZABXXXXUS00.tvt
where XXXX is the build ID. This is a self-extracting installation package that extracts the installation
source files and launches the installation using the Windows Installer. It contains the installation logic
and the Windows application files. The package does not contain any of the Predesktop Area files.
2. Predesktop Area US Base (approximately 135 MB): This is the password protected zip file that contains
the entire Predesktop Area US base. Its name is in the following formats:
• Z936ZISXXXXUS00.exe
• Z936ZABXXXXUS00.tvt
where AB determines the compatibility of the Predesktop Area and XXXX is the build id. This file is
required to install the Predesktop Area on all language systems. This file must be in the same directory
as the main installation package (either installation executable or Rescue and Recovery.msi if extracted
or OEM install). The exceptions to this are if the Predesktop Area is already installed and does not need
to be upgraded or if the property PDA=0 is set on the command line when executing the installation
and the Predesktop Area (any version) does not already exist. The Windows Installer will compare the
current Predesktop Area’s compatibility code against the minimum version compatibility code and
take the following actions based on the results:
• Current code > Minimum code: The Windows Installer presents a message that the current
environment is not compatible with this version of the Rescue and Recovery program.
• Current code = Minimum code: The Windows Installer compares the current version level against
the minimum version level. If the current level is greater than or equal to the minimum level, the
Rescue and Recovery 4.5 Deployment Guide